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Company News...

Green Builders Group
The Leisure Group is proud to announce that we have added Green Builders Group to our list of affiliate companies. The Green Builders Group is a construction management firm based out of Mississippi, and dedicated to the building of energy efficient, environmentally friendly community living environments for working people and their families, students, and elderly. Take a look at the Green Builders Group
Del Castle Restoration
The Del Castle restoration project is a first love of The Leisure Group and our affiliate The Green Builders Group. this historic home was severely damaged by Hurricane Katrina and was razed by the owner due to cost of repairs. We of The Leisure Group Leisure Group want to re-create this historic home somewhere on the Mississippi coast, using modern energy efficient and environmentally friendly methodologies and materials. Furthermore, in keeping with our philosophy, we want to do this as a part of a sustainable community.
Start Home Biz
Our website devoted to internet business and work at home opportunities continues to evolve. We offer advice to those who want to take advantage of the changing attitudes and opportunities for making a living while devoting more time to those who are most important in their lives - family and  friends.

Life Is Leisure
This labor of love is dedicated to things personal and we believe of interest to those who want to be whole persons, with personal joys, or even guilty pleasures. Art, personal improvement, fitness - these are things that make us whole.